Marines Mencio

Marines Mencio

Diretor(a) de Arte
Sócio(a) Efetivo(a)
Anos de atividade:
São Paulo


Mencio has worked in several awarded feature films and series with international premiers and competitions, such as: Berlinale, Cannes, Emmy, San Sebastian, Tiff, among others

Starting as production designer in 2010, Marinês did "Gods’ Carnival”, a film directed by Tata Amaral as part of the series “Then and Now: Behind Borders and Differences”, also doing several MTV Brazil scenaries. In 2012 Marinês did “De Menor/Underage”, a feature film produced by Tata Amaral and directed by Caru Alves de Souza (winner at the Rio de Janeiro Film Festival and participant in the San Sebastian Festival). In 2013 she did “Os Homens são de Marte… e é pra lá que eu vou/ Men Are From Mars ... And That's Where I'm Going!” a feature film produced by Paramount Pictures, Globo Films and Paris Films. In 2014 she did “Condomínio Jaqueline”, a TV series produced by Fox TV. In 2015 she worked on “Mais Forte Que O Mundo”/“Stronger Than The World” a feature film directed by Afonso Poyart and produced by Paris Films (nominated in the for 46th International Emmy Award, OF BEST TV Movie / Mini-Series). In 2016 she did “Correndo Atrás”/ "Running After” a feature film directed by Jeferson De and produced by Globo Films (participant in the New York African Film Festival and Los Angeles Pan African Festival). In 2018 she worked on "Our Blood, Our Body" a TV series produced by Fox and directed by Mari Cobra (the winner Emmy Awards,2019 - Kids/Factual). In 2019 she worked on “My Name is Baghdad" a feature film directed by Caru Alves de Souza. (Winner Berlinale Generation,2020 - Grand Prix of the Generation 14plus International Jury for Best Film). In 2021 she did “Carvão”/ “Charcoal” directed by Carol Markowicz (nominated in the Toronto International Film Festival 2022 and San Sebastián International Film Festival 2022). Currently she is working in "Meu Sangue Ferve Por Você", feature film directed by Paulinho Machline and "Chico Bento e a Goiabeira Maraviosa" directed by Fernando Fraiha.

Mencio began her career in 2001 working at TV Cultura and worked in various art departments films: "Retrato Falado” directed by Luiz Vilaça, “Blindness” directed by Fernando Meirelles, “Som e Fúria,” also directed by Fernando Meirelles, “Broder” directed by Jeferson De, “Salve Geral” directed by Sergio Rezende, “Reflexões de um Liquidificador” directed by André Klotzel, “Estamos Juntos” directed by Toni Venturi and “Febre do Rato” directed by Claudio Assis, among others.

She received her degree in Architecture at the Belas Artes São Paulo, Brazil. She completed post-graduate studies in Ephemeral Spaces Design at UPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya) Barcelona, Spain.